It has been over three months since the accident that left your motorcycle totaled and your head partially crushed. Surgeons at Christus managed to treat the traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) as best they could, and although the treatment has been long and hard, you’re finally allowing yourself to hope for a good recovery.

However, although you’re still hopeful, you have noticed some odd issues lately and you do not know if they are the result of the TBI or not. You’ve been feeling overly anxious, your hands have been shaking, and you’ve been extremely tired.

Could these be symptoms that your recovery is failing?

Continued Suffering After a TBI
In some occasions, complications can occur following a traumatic brain injury (TBI) that can pose severe health risks. These complications are not types of TBIs, but are distinct medical problems that can arise as a direct result of the injury itself. Although unforeseen complications are rare, your risk increases depending on the severity of the trauma.

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, and the National Institutes of Health, the most common TBI complications include:

Hydrocephalus (abnormal amount of fluid in the brain causing increased pressure, convulsions, vision impairments, and mental disability)
Deep vein thrombosis (blood clots in the veins and brain)
Muscle spasms
Cognitive decline
Partial paralysis and decreased muscle control
Help, Advice, and Support After a TBI Accident
Suffering a brain injury is traumatic enough without having to worry about treatment and recovery for additional complications. Fortunately, you can decrease this anxiety with a simple phone call. Contact us today for a free consultation and review of your case. We can not only help you file an injury claim, but we’ll be there to fight to make sure you get the settlement you deserve to pay for your current and future recoveries. Don’t add needless pressure to your recovery—let us ease your mind and work for the justice you deserve. Call now!

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